Awwww, My favorite time of the year!!!

Welp, it’s that time of year again when the calm surrounds me. When I don’t worry about my hubby as much and I see him more often and I can breathe once more. The sign that the flying season is over for me is that all crop behind our house is cut, which was corn this year. The open field represents to me that fall has started and a new year is coming our way.

Oh how I love that feeling of seeing a freshly cut field and knowing cool weather is soon approaching! I love summer, but fall is the best. Just yesterday my son and I saw a dozen geese fly over our house in a perfect V, I love it!! I love the smell of the harvest and the dirt. I love seeing tractors, combines and big trucks. I guess it all reminds me of growing up in a small town and seeing my family harvesting their lively hood.

Fall gives me a refreshing felling!! All the leaves will be changing and falling soon,and the beautiful colors of the south will be present in a couple of months. I love how God shows us his glory through seasons and how things change for the good. I feel like fall is a time to start over and change. Just like the leaves changing and falling off and coming back new in the spring. We can be like that. We can be refreshed. Oh how I love fall and what it represents. CHANGE.

I love seeing school supplies, even though I hated school growing up. I always loved getting that new Lisa Frank folder and a new lunch box. It was so much fun getting new school clothes and planning your wardrobe for the first week. As a mother I now love getting my son’s school supplies and planning his wardrobe. Even though this means he is growing up. I still love knowing he IS GROWING to be a big boy. I’m so happy to experience the little joys like that in life.

I’m so glad I got to share my random feelings and joys of fall. I would love to hear some of your favorite memories or feelings!!!

Happy Fall Ya’ll!!!!

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I love to write!! This blog is not all about my husbands job. Its about life lessons and whats on my heart!! I hope through this blog I can meet and influence other women!!

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